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Pre-Natal + Newborn

(0-3 MoNTHs)

$375 +tax


Congratulations, you are expecting or recently welcomed a new member to your family.  You are worried about the accumulation of sleep loss and want to be pro-active but feel overwhelmed by the amount of advice out there.  Maybe you are even looking for some advice on setting up your nursery.  If you want to make sure you set up a great foundation for your little one ,this package is focused on education and a very flexible framework to help you understand what your little one needs in their first few months of life.  Armed with knowledge, tools and confidence you will be ready to help your newborn (or newborn-to-be) off to a great start towards healthy sleep habits!

*A great gift for parents to-be!

What’s included:

  • Detailed questionnaire

  • One on one consultation – 90 mins

  • Personalized Sleep plan

  • Review of nursery

  • 4 weeks of support

  • 4 follow up calls 20 mins each –  1 per week

  • 12 emails or weekly voxer support

  • Newborn Sleep tool kit


(4 - 18 Months)

$425 +tax


Your baby is getting older but their sleep habits are not.  Maybe your baby never slept through the night, or maybe they have but seem to be regressing and as the months roll by, your sleep deprivation and desperation builds. There is a good chance you have read plenty of articles or books and tried a few strategies but you’re not sure what will work for your child.

This plan is designed to help remove sleep props and help your little one learn how to sleep independently and consistently.  This plan will provide education and structure around a healthy sleep schedule and address any issues that are getting in the way of you and your little one getting the rest you need.

What’s Included:

  • Detailed questionnaire

  • One on one consultation – 90 mins

  • Personalized Sleep plan

  • Daily review of sleep log

  • 2 weeks of support

  • 3 calls 20 mins each

  • Unlimited email or voxer 

  • Baby Sleep tool kit


(18 month - 6 yearss)

$475 +tax


Do you dread bedtime because it feels like a never ending battle?  Perhaps the thought of moving your little one from a crib to a big kids bed is terrifying.  Or perhaps you have already made the switch and have walked the equivalent of a marathon by morning for all the times you take your child back to their room.  Has your toddler figured out that engaging in cute and intellectual conversations keeps you around for longer? Are you reading 14 books a night, singing an entire concert or laying with your child until they fall asleep?  Is your toddler holding you or your bed hostage? Perhaps your child is a little bit older and is struggling with falling asleep or with extremely early wake-ups.  This package will help identify the real issues your little one is facing that is preventing restful and independent sleep.  With clear boundaries, great routines and some amazing tools, bedtime will be something you all look forward to and nighttime will be restful once again.

Whats included:

  • Detailed questionnaire

  • One on one consultation – 90 mins

  • Personalized Sleep plan

  • Daily review of sleep log

  • 3 weeks of support

  • 5 calls over 3 weeks (20 mins each)

  • Unlimited email or voxer

  • Toddler/Child Sleep tool kit


Other services

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Unlimited text support (8-8): $75/week

Full Night Support (in home night support for first night including nursery consultation): $550

Half night support (6 hrs) including nursery consultation: $350

Week of additional email/voxert support: $75

Twins/Triplets/Additional Kids: TBD ($50-$100 per child)

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2 follow up calls (20 mins each) (within 12 month period from completing training): $80 + tax

Additional week of email/voxer support: $75 + tax

One hour catch up call: $100 + tax

Newborn starter kit: $110 + tax

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If someone you referred becomes a client, you will receive an additional 20 minute call to use when you run into any issues in the future.